Beyond the Backyard

My children are bouncing with energy now that school is out for the summer.  Its only day one and already they are driving me crazy.  Trying to get work done while the kids are home is nearly impossible and drags on for many hours.  This afternoon a Shutter Sister suggested I go into my backyard in search of magic.

Well my backyard is a desert weed wasteland and generally lacking in photographic interest for me.  I do however tend to a small garden in my front yard as it is somewhat shaded from the searing heat during the summer months.  I have a colorful variety of Autumn Sage growing.  I love the smell of the sage as I am watering.  The Autumn Sage was like aromatherapy for me today.  To complete my therapy I grabbed my camera, laid down on the ground and just started taking pictures.  A calming peace began to surround me.

The chirping birds called me away from my dainty flowers and encouraged me to explore new wonders in my yard.  As I was shuttering away in my yard, creative ideas started to flow through my mind.  New creations incorporating some photos began to take shape.  Quickly I jotted them down on paper to save until tomorrow.

This is Beyond my Backyard…

Twin Whites

Twin Whites

i heart rocks

i heart rocks

If you would like to see what other Shutter Sisters have posted from their backyards, click on over to Shutter Sisters and check them out.  Or better yet, get in on the fun and post some of your own.

8 thoughts on “Beyond the Backyard

  1. Fantastic photos…

    Stopping by from SITS to say “hi” and welcome. I know that you will enjoy being a part of this vibrant community of bloggers!
    carma 🙂

  2. I know what you mean about getting things done with the kids around. What fun that you got on the ground to examine your yard. Isn’t a new perspective a wonderful thing? I heart rocks, too!
    Great shots!

  3. There is always magic in a back yard… even if it is all rocks and sand or in our case… torn up from construction. Beautiful rock… lovely shape. My hunt is up HERE.

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